Sunday 14 May 2017

List of US Democrats who have discussed the prospect of impeaching Donald Trump

As the backlash to President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey escalates, Democratic lawmakers are increasingly raising the prospect of impeachment.  

According to a report by CNN, California Rep. Maxine Waters has explicitly called for impeaching the President. 

Others like Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, have merely mentioned the possibility, with Gabbard saying last month that she was studying the impeachment process.

See the full list after the cut.

1. California Rep. Maxine Waters

2. Texas Rep. Al Green

3. California Rep. Jared Huffman

4. Kentucky Rep. John Yarmuth

5. Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan

6. Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal

7. New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

8. Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

9. Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison

10. Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro

11. Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin

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