Friday 21 April 2017

How to Find the Right Time to Say I Love You?

The moment when you declare your love to your partner can be regarded as the most important milestone in your romantic story. Although these are only simple three words, people are afraid of saying them. 

They wait until the other partner makes the first move or look for the surefire signs that their feelings are reciprocal. There is always the fear that you open up just to find out your partner doesn’t feel the same. They say you shouldn’t keep your feelings to yourself when it comes to love. 

If you love somebody, you should shout about it from the rooftops or at least say “I love you” to your partner. It sounds rather romantic but in reality, you should choose the right moment to say these words to the object of your love.It’s a really important issue if you plan marrying a Russian girl!

The timing is extremely important. If a man declares his love to a woman already on a first date, she’ll think he’s desperate or insincere because this is way too soon. Very often, partners don’t need words because their actions speak volumes about their feelings. Still, it’s good when actions are supported by words, especially if they are so long-awaited and desired.

It’s always easier for a woman to understand that a man has feelings for her since men don’t resort to hints and subtle signs but act directly to show their affection. They ask a woman out on romantic dates, give flowers, pay compliments, send sweet messages, etc. However, women often wrack their brains over the true intentions of a man. They want to make sure that he does all these beautiful things because he is really interested in them, not because he wants to get them into bed.

Previous Preparations

Be ready for rejection. The odds your declaration will be returned are 50/50, so you should assume both positive and negative answer in advance. You need to take the right attitude to it. Just say these words because you want to. If your date can’t say the same, then keep searching for the one who will.

Accept any reaction.Although your woman secretly expects to hear these words from you, your declaration will always come as a surprise. You need to keep that in mind.

Think what you’ll say. It’s a good idea to prepare your speech in advance. We know how nervousness can leave at a loss for words, so think it over beforehand. Since you have those words in mind, try to sound sincere not as if you rehearsed it many times.

How to Find the Right Moment
There is a simple rule: you shouldn’t declare your love too soon and you shouldn’t delay it. Those words have a magic power – they turn you into a couple and bring your relationship to another level. Think twice before saying “I love you”. Give yourself some time to figure out whether your feelings are strong and real. If you’re not ready to say these very words at the initial stage of your relationship but you want to express your feelings in some way, there is a good alternative. You can say “I’m serious about you” or “I want to be with you”.

Here is how you can understand your confession will be timely:
  • ·         You’ve been on more than 5 dates
  • ·         You know for sure your feeling are reciprocal
  • ·         You’ve already had sex

There are also some reasons why you should postpone your declaration of love:
  • ·         Your relationship has just started
  • ·         Your date is not very enthusiastic about your relationship
  • ·         Your girlfriend is not focused exclusively on you since she flirts with other guys
  • ·         She doesn’t reveal her feelings

When it comes to declaring love, pay attention to how you do it. Be serious when saying those words. Even if smile is your protective response, try to control your mimics and gestures. Otherwise, your loved one will think you’re kidding.    

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